Podcast Guest Rider: David Folk

David Folk is the founder of DirtySixer Bikes, a company that makes big bicycles for tall riders using 36 and 32 inch wheels. The idea for the company came about when David crashed on a regular bike and realized that the wheels were too small and unstable for taller riders. He started tinkering with the idea of creating a bike with bigger wheels that would be proportionate to taller riders. The feedback from customers, including NBA players like Shaquille O’Neal and Rudy Gobert, has been phenomenal. Riding these bikes has not only provided physical health benefits but also improved mental well-being. Retired athletes often struggle with the transition to retirement, as they miss the adrenaline rush and sense of community that comes with competing. Reggie Miller found solace in cycling, using it as a way to channel his competitiveness and stay connected to the physical and social aspects of sports. Many customers of DirtySixer bikes have experienced life-changing transformations, losing weight and improving their physical and mental health through biking. The philosophy behind DirtySixer bikes is to make biking accessible and enjoyable for everyone, with a focus on everyday riding and versatility. The future of DirtySixer includes the introduction of e-bikes and the development of new models, including a gravel bike and a mountain bike with 32-inch wheels.

Check out his website dirtysixer.com to check out all his amazing bikes and more info on how to order one.

Listen to the whole episode here:




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-Ride This Out-